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The Practical Agency

De : Robert Patin, Darren Ward
Lu par : Robert Patin, Darren Ward
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This audiobook is the second half of a journey you already began.

It started when you first expressed your creative side.

Then, you developed that skill into something others would pay for, and eventually, you became what you are today...a creative agency owner.

But as most creative agency owners soon find, no matter how great your skill is, there will be a point where your agency doesn't grow anymore.

You can't do the same thing you did to get where you are now, to get to the next level.

You have to step outside of your creative side and build practical agency systems to simplify and scale your business.

This audiobook was recorded as a guidebook to help creative agency owners to:

  • Build a system that attracts the right type of prospects and presells you as an expert that can solve their problem.
  • Design a custom workflow to take warmed up leads and convert them into clients without a long sales process.
  • Ensure consistent delivery of quality service every time, while being scalable and needing less involvement from you.

The Practical Agency will help you build an automated machine deep within your agency that will set you free to be the inspired creative.

You've spent your life on the journey of developing your skill, becoming educated, and taking the admirable leap to start your own business.

This audiobook is your ticket to the second half of that journey.

©2022 Creative Agency Success (P)2022 Creative Agency Success
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