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Couverture de The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Features Bonus Book: How to Attract Money (Deluxe Original Classic Edition)

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Features Bonus Book: How to Attract Money (Deluxe Original Classic Edition)

De : Dr. Joseph Murphy, Mitch Horowitz
Lu par : Mitch Horowitz, Brian Conover
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    Your subconscious mind harbors insightful and creative power—if properly harnessed, this suggestive power can solve problems and shape circumstances in ways you never imagined possible.

    In Joseph Murphy’s classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, he offers listeners a master key to tap into the reservoirs of their subconscious. Since this classic landmark work was first published in 1963, millions of followers have used this radical suggestive power to enjoy newfound happiness, wealth and health. The possibilities are endless, because as Murphy teaches, the “hidden truth of life is: you are as your mind is. Your subconscious picks up on and carries out what you dwell upon, for good or ill.

    In this unabridged original classic edition of Murphy’s landmark work, Mitch Horowitz, a scholar of esotericism, provides a new historical introduction and assessment of Dr. Murphy’s work, and a reliable timeline that corrects many misperceptions about the author’s life. Horowitz’s supplemental material bring Murphy’s insights—particularly in matters of health—into the 21st century.

    This most powerful guide to using your visualizing faculties of thought comes with a special bonus: How to Attract Money

    It is your right to be rich. In How to Attract Money Dr. Joseph Murphy teaches you how to use your mind and visualizing powers to attain a prosperous life. You will learn how your thoughts have a direct effect on wealth and they can either help you build your financial health or deplete it. Why not enjoy the riches of the infinite? If you work hard but simply can't seem to get ahead, this book will change your life.

    ©1963, 2024 Joseph Murphy and Mitch Horowitz (P)2024 Maple Spring Publishing

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