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Couverture de The Power of You

The Power of You

De : Olive Strachan
Lu par : Nicky Griffiths
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    In her book, Olive shares with us the highs and lows of her business journey; how she has triumphed in the face of adversity and continued to run a successful business through a global recession to be awarded an MBE in 2019. Olive’s personal journey sees her develop resilience and self-confidence and become the successful businesswoman she is today. She has shared a lifetime of wonderful wisdom in a book to inspire us to all to aim higher. 

    About the author: 

    Global business woman, entrepreneur, and founder of Olive Strachan Resources, ex-chair of CIPD and CIPD fellow, Olive has spent over 20 years coaching and developing leaders across the world, working with boards and board directors helping them with performance coaching, strategic planning and vision, and creating diverse and inclusive boards and organizations. She is an export champion for the Department of International Trade (DIT). 

    Awarded an MBE in 2019 for her services to exports and professional business, she was named as one of the top 100 most influential women by Insider magazine for three years running; a Northern Power Woman in 2020 @IamNPW, and an Ambassador for Women of the Year 2020. Olive was also head judge for the IoD NW Director of the Year Award 2020. 

    Olive has substantial board level experience and continues to offer expert advice, leadership guidance, and strategic support to Boards across the globe.

    ©2020 Olive Strachan MBE (P)2022 Olive Strachan MBE

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