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Couverture de The Power of Respect

The Power of Respect

De : Deborah Norville
Lu par : Deborah Norville
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    There is power in respect. And it comes with multiple benefits.

    In business:

  • Higher sales
  • Lower employee turnover
  • Less exposure to lawsuits

    At home:

  • A stronger marriage
  • Healthier family dynamics
  • More polite children

    In your personal life:

  • More self-respect and confidence
  • Closer friendships
  • Higher standing in the community

    Respect, a lost value in our world today, is the latest subject of research for Inside Edition anchor and best-selling author Deborah Norville. Citing scientific studies and using stories based on personal interviews, Norville makes a compelling case for the Power of Respect - the simple act of treating people as though they really matter.

    Norville details the specific dollar savings in business and dramatic improvements in student test scores that are directly attributable to respect. She says, "Now that I've seen the research done by some of the greatest minds in the field, I am stunned to see the impact of being respected and giving respect. I am also mystified. Why wouldn't someone want to put it to work?"

    Respect tips, sprinkled throughout the audio, and Respect Reminders, at the end of each chapter, add to the clarity of the message and help reinforce the personal benefits. Start practicing this most overlooked ingredient of success and find out what it means for you!

  • ©2009 Thomas Nelson (P)2009 Thomas Nelson

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