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  • The Power of “Q”

  • Analyse Youth Life Score and Assess Forthcoming Life
  • De : Dinesh Sahay
  • Lu par : Sharmila R Udupa
  • Durée : 3 h et 27 min

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The Power of “Q”

De : Dinesh Sahay
Lu par : Sharmila R Udupa
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    Dinesh Sahay (Award-winning author for bestselling book: Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell?)

    An author/mentor has to be honest, generous, bold, energetic, passionate, candid, authentic and devoted toward its listener or member or follower and I am following these principles in my life. I also felt that it is an honour to me that except for love from listeners, the members and followers there is no other best gift for me. I am focused on listening to meaningful sincere communication of their concerns and responding to adequate mentoring with my followers or listeners who put questions to me whenever I get time.

    I wrote this book for listeners to understand when they hear, so it will clear many misconceptions which is beneficial for them. It's better for every young man or woman whether a student, professional or businessman to understand the ethics of leading a peaceful, prosperous life. That is in their interest to know at an early stage how their forthcoming destiny would be like? It may be good or bad, that will depend on your habits, behaviour, mindset, pre-set notions, etc. You can calculate it by doing a Self-analysis and then acting upon it

    I hope every listener will be interested and would like to do this exercise. I wish good luck to all my listeners a happy, healthy and peaceful life.

    ©2023 Dinesh Sahay (P)2023 myAudioBIts

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