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Couverture de The Power of Pull

The Power of Pull

De : John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, Lang Davison
Lu par : Dennis Holland
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    In a radical break with the past, information now flows like water, and we must learn how to tap into its stream. Individuals and companies can no longer rely on the stocks of knowledge that they've carefully built up and stored away. But many of us remain stuck in old practices, practices that could undermine us as we search for success and meaning.

    In this revolutionary book, three doyens of the Internet age, whose path-breaking work has made headlines around the world, reveal the adjustments we must make if we are to take these changes seriously.

    In a world of increasing risk and opportunity, we must understand the importance of pull. Understood and used properly, the power of pull can draw out the best in people and institutions by connecting them in ways that increase understanding and effectiveness. Pull can turn uncertainty into opportunity and enable small moves to achieve outsized impact. Drawing on pioneering research, The Power of Pull tells us how to apply its principles to unlock the hidden potential of individuals and organizations, and how to use it as a force for social change and the development of creative talent.

    The authors explore how to use the power of pull to:

    • Access new sources of information
    • Attract likeminded individuals from around the world
    • Shape serendipity to increase the likelihood of positive chance encounters
    • Form creation spaces to drive you and your colleagues to new heights
    • Transform your organization to adapt to the flow of knowledge

    The Power of Pull is essential listening for entrepreneurs, managers, and anybody interested in understanding and harnessing the shifting forces of our networked world.

    ©2010 John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison (P)2010 Audible, Inc.


    The Power of Pull examines the “how question”—how can we effectively address our most pressing challenges in a rapidly changing and increasingly interdependent world? In The Power of Pull, John Hagel, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison highlight fascinating new ways in which passionate thinking, creative solutions, and committed action can—and will—make it possible for us to seize opportunities and remain in step with change.” (Bill Clinton)
    The Power of Pull will do for our 21st-century information-age institutional leadership what Peter Drucker’s The Concept of the Corporation did for industrial-era management. This book begins to create a body of learnable principles that will revolutionize our ability to access and work with knowledge flows.” (Newt Gingrich)

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