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  • The Power of Instinct

  • The New Rules of Persuasion in Business and Life
  • De : Leslie Zane
  • Lu par : Kelli Tager
  • Durée : 8 h et 47 min

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The Power of Instinct

De : Leslie Zane
Lu par : Kelli Tager
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    Award-winning Fortune 500 brand consultant and behavioral expert Leslie Zane shatters conventional marketing wisdom, showing listeners how to tap into the hidden brain where instinct prevails, creating a powerful network of connections that drive people to buy your product, company, or vision.

    People don’t make decisions with their conscious mind, but on instinct. In The Power of Instinct, marketing consultant and behavioral science expert Leslie Zane shows that to grow a brand, business, or even a social movement, traditional persuasion tactics fall short. Instead, you must connect to the instinctive mind. And to do this, you need to understand the science of consumer choice and employ techniques that work with a person’s brain, not against it.

    Zane uncovers the hidden network of connections that dictates the snap decisions we make and cracks the code on how to influence it. With a revolutionary set of rules for expanding the network, Zane shows us how to make any brand, business, political candidate, or idea the dominant instinctive choice. With science as your guide, as well as stories from the world’s most successful brands from McDonald's and Lululemon to the Yankees and Taylor Swift, you'll learn:

    • What kind of messages create the greatest amount of positive associations;
    • Why finding new customers accelerates growth and relying on existing ones is a trap;
    • Why emotional stories are not enough to drive trial and long-term brand loyalty.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, Fortune 500 executive, marketing professional, or job seeker, mastering the power of instinct will help supercharge your growth and make whatever you’re selling the first choice for any audience.

    ©2024 Leslie Zane (P)2024 PublicAffairs

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