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Couverture de The Portable Star

The Portable Star

De : Isaac Asimov
Lu par : Mike Vendetti
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    The Portable Star, a short story by Isaac Asimov and narrated as an audiobook by Mike Vendetti, takes us to an uninhabitable planet. Uninhabitable that is by life as we know it, but in science fiction life exists in many forms. The planet Sigmaringen IV appears to be inhabited by entities that although invisible can influence the mind. A thought control. Our space travelers, two couples, go through some very strange personality changes controlled by "them".

    As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the invisible entities are trying to communicate with the humans, causing them to act out of character and experience intense emotions. The couples find themselves at odds with each other, their thoughts and actions manipulated by the unseen force.

    As they struggle to understand what is happening to them, the travelers begin to fear for their sanity. Are they being controlled by the mysterious beings or is it all in their minds? The tension and suspense build as they try to unravel the truth behind the strange occurrences on Sigmaringen IV.

    Isaac Asimov's imaginative storytelling and Mike Vendetti's engaging narration combine to create a captivating listening experience. The Portable Star is a thought-provoking tale that explores the boundaries of perception and reality, leaving the listener intrigued and unsettled.

    Public Domain (P)2024 Mike Vendetti

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