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Couverture de The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties

De : Jonathan Leaf
Lu par : Rick Silversmith
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    In this blast from the past, Leaf exposes the lies and busts the myths propagated by the liberal establishment. Did you know that the civil-rights movement did little to improve the lives of average African Americans and that most Americans actively supported the Vietnam War and the draft?

    The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties proves that the anti-Vietnam War sentiment and free-love slogans that supposedly defined the decade were just a small part of the leftist counterculture. The mainstream culture was more politically incorrect, but you'll never hear that from a liberal pundit or read it in a politically correct textbook.

    ©2009 Jonathan Leaf (P)2009 Blackstone Audio, Inc.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire


    "Has any decade been more mythologized than the 1960s? I doubt it. Read Jonathan Leaf, who corrects and debunks the conventional wisdom - and who also teaches us interesting and important things about that time, and ours." (William Kristol, editor, Weekly Standard)
    "Jonathan Leaf almost makes the 60s worth it in this merciless debunking of the myths of our decade of shame. Fun, informed, and - above all - valuable." (Rich Lowry, editor, National Review)

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