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  • The Playground Leader

  • Life-Changing ABC's for the Whole Family
  • De : Autumn Swain
  • Lu par : Autumn Swain
  • Durée : 6 h et 18 min

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The Playground Leader

De : Autumn Swain
Lu par : Autumn Swain
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    In The Playground Leader, Dr. Autumn Swain offers a transformative approach to developing our children, from toddler to teen and beyond, as leaders for today. Too often we speak of youth development as something preparing our young people for the future, but we should be forming them into the leaders they were meant to be today. This thought-provoking, deeply inspired book will also challenge and positively impact all the adults listening to this book. The Playground Leader will not only equip and transform our young people, but it will leave its mark on you too. When we show up our best, our children will be better for it.

    The Playground Leader is required listening for parents who want to see their children flourish now as leaders in their homes, at school, and in the world. So much of our educational spaces focus its energy into teaching academia, often overlooking the importance of foundational leadership skills and character-building principles. This book equips the entire team, whether a family, classroom, or arena, with tools for the development of key leadership qualities and character development, bringing so much hope not just for the future, but for today.

    Inside this guidebook, you will learn:

    • Over 20 strategies to help your children become the best version of themselves.
    • How to naturally embed these crucial characteristics into your children's lives.
    • Practical applications to incorporate these characteristics into your own lives as parents, coaches, and teachers.

    We care so deeply for our children, but life at times is overwhelming. This book will give you a clear starting point towards helping your children to grow up to be everything they were meant to be.

    ©2023 Autumn Swain (P)2023 Autumn Swain

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