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  • The Playbook for Success: The Fundamentals to Succeed in Real Estate and Life

  • De : Amy Broghamer
  • Lu par : Amy Broghamer
  • Durée : 2 h et 16 min

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The Playbook for Success: The Fundamentals to Succeed in Real Estate and Life

De : Amy Broghamer
Lu par : Amy Broghamer
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    Amy has a unique ability to deliver highly successful, curated client experiences by consistently following her own playbook of winning strategies. Her prescriptive approach to real estate and life consistently places her at the top of her field and makes her a sought-after mentor. As Amy’s business grew, she often found herself being asked to share her secrets to success. This curiosity by her industry peers sparked a passion for coaching and developing others. To date, Amy has created and offers industry-leading training, speaking experiences, and custom coaching opportunities, all in addition to walking the walk every day as an active agent in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. 

    In Amy’s Playbook for Success, she walks us through building her business and the lessons learned along the way...revealing both the good, the bad, and the funny experiences that made her the success she is today. 

    Regardless of your tenure in the business, you are certain to benefit greatly from having Amy’s Playbook for Success as a guide to your own success!

    ©2018 Amy Broghamer, AmyB Courses, LLC (P)2018 Amy Broghamer, AmyB Courses, LLC

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