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Couverture de The Plant Based Solution for Beginners

The Plant Based Solution for Beginners

De : Print Press Avenue, Bethany Knight
Lu par : Angela Ohlfest
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    Are you thinking of becoming a plant-friendly eater? Are you tired of being stressed about taking care of your body and worried about getting enough nutrients? Look no further. Our comprehensive guide to plant-based eating will provide expert advice on transitioning into a plant-based diet and balancing your diet to absorb and ingest all the necessary nutrients.

    Gone are the days when dairy and meat were the best options at the table. Avoid the adverse health effects of dairy and meat, and join the millions of people choosing to go plant-friendly. This easy-to-understand book will provide you with the food industry's murky history, and how you can begin to change your diet into one compatible with a planet-friendly lifestyle.

    You'll learn the foundation of the plant-based diet, the importance of nutritional balance, and you'll be given eight exclusive and adaptable plant-based recipes right here in this book.


    • Food Glossary - organized food groups within the plant based diet 
    • Three Day Meal Plan - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner 
    • Includes substitutions to accommodate all lifestyles 

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