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  • The Place to Be

  • Washington, CBS, and the Glory Days of Television News
  • De : Roger Mudd
  • Lu par : Roger Mudd
  • Durée : 12 h et 35 min

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The Place to Be

De : Roger Mudd
Lu par : Roger Mudd
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    Roger Mudd joined CBS in 1961 and rose to fame as the congressional correspondent, covering the historic Senate filibuster debate over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Mudd was there to see Dan Rather going toe-to-toe with the Nixon White House, Marvin Kalb deciphering the State Department, Daniel Schorr bird-dogging Watergate, Lesley Stahl and Connie Chung staking out all the president's men, George Herman presiding over Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer covering the Pentagon like a police reporter, and Eric Sevareid making what he called "small sounds in the night."The Place to Be is the story of both a unique news bureau - instrumental at the time in setting the agenda at home and abroad on issues like Vietnam, civil rights, and Watergate - and of one reporter's passion and commitment to the pursuit of news.
    ©2008 Roger Mudd (P)2008 Roger Mudd


    "A classic of Washington journalism, a wry and probing memoir of a career that mattered when the news mattered." (Washington Post Book World)
    "Brisk, brusque and surprisingly witty - a must for students of the peculiar marriage of politics and entertainment." (Kirkus)
    "[I]t's unlikely anyone will surpass Roger Mudd's insightful, engrossing and candid account of what it was like when CBS dominated television news in the late 20th century." (The Hill)

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