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  • The Pivot for Parents and Educators Looking at Autism and ADHD Through a Different Lens

  • How Understanding the Neurodivergent Mind Can Change Our Thoughts and Feelings about a Diagnosis
  • De : Kim Gallo
  • Lu par : Adrian Newcastle
  • Durée : 4 h et 11 min

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Couverture de The Pivot for Parents and Educators Looking at Autism and ADHD Through a Different Lens

The Pivot for Parents and Educators Looking at Autism and ADHD Through a Different Lens

De : Kim Gallo
Lu par : Adrian Newcastle
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    Are you the parent of a child with Autism or ADHD?

    Are you an educator looking to gain a new perspective on neurodivergence?

    This book can help!

    Terms like neurotypical and neurodivergence are being used more frequently than before; what do they mean?

    And what are the implications of an ADHD or autism diagnosis?

    Seeking clear-cut answers to all your questions takes a lot of work. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and even need clarification as you try to sort through all available information.

    If you are ready to navigate the challenging yet rewarding journey of parenting or educating a child with a diagnosis, this book is for you.

    Combining years of professional and personal experience with general best practices, author Kim Gallo wrote this book as a comprehensive guide to help you shift your thinking.

    By breaking down complex ideas and terminology, she takes the mystery and confusion out of neurodivergence. She also stresses the importance of pivoting your thinking patterns to create a healthier, positive environment.

    Inside The Pivot for Parents and Educators of Autism & ADHD you will discover:

    • How a neurotypical brain differs from a neurodivergent brain
    • The different types of neurodivergence
    • Teaching a child self-regulation
    • Sensory input and processing
    • Unnecessary stressors
    • The new language of autism & ADHD
    • The importance of mindset
    • How to pivot from a stuck mindset to a growth mindset.
    • And many other invaluable tools.

    Instead of being worried or disappointed about your child’s diagnosis, you can reframe your thoughts and find hope and excitement for the future.

    Acquiring new information about ADHD and autism will help you empower your children with neurodivergent brains to be more confident and peaceful adults. It will also help you be a more content and confident educator.

    Pick up a copy of The Pivot for Parents and Educators, change your mindset, and reduce stress.

    ©2023 Kim Gallo (P)2023 Kim Gallo

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