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  • The Phenomenal Change Letter and the Unmaking of a Slave

  • A Challenge to the African American Community
  • De : Anthony Manigault
  • Lu par : T.S. Coleman
  • Durée : 56 min

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Couverture de The Phenomenal Change Letter and the Unmaking of a Slave

The Phenomenal Change Letter and the Unmaking of a Slave

De : Anthony Manigault
Lu par : T.S. Coleman
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    The Phenomenal Change Letter and the Unmaking of a Slave is derivative work that was inspired by "The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slave". This book is the author's attempt to channel the anger created by the Willie Lynch Letter, in hopes of one day reversing the effects of the Willie Lynch Letter on the African American community.

    The Phenomenal Change Letter was authored in the hope of stimulating a change in the mind-sets of the African American Community, a change in our family structures, and a change in the way we view ourselves and treat one another.

    A time for a change is long overdue. Prayerfully hope that everyone who listens to The Phenomenal Change Letter and the Unmaking of a Slave uses it as a stepping stone for empowerment - the opposite of what "The Willie Lynch Letter" was intended. If this body of work changes one person's life, this would have all been worth it. I hope you enjoy this listen and continue to fight for our change.

    ©2020 Anthony Manigault (P)2020 Anthony Manigault

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