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Couverture de The Perfection Detox

The Perfection Detox

De : Petra Kolber
Lu par : Petra Kolber
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    Award-winning fitness professional and consultant shares a practical, accessible program to help women replace destructive perfectionistic mindsets with concrete strategies and life-changing tips.

    Tired. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Just one more email, one more meeting with the kid's teacher, oh and lose that last five pounds. Today, women are striving for perfection more than ever - and feeling like failures for not meeting unattainable goals. Health and wellness expert Petra Kolber knows this intimately; as a dancer and fitness professional, she's experienced the ultimately dissatisfying quest for perfection. Her Perfection Detox program helps women to overcome the unhealthy, unproductive demands we place on ourselves - and others. Based on her popular workshops, Kolber's strategies help women to recognize and constructively root out the perfectionistic impulse to be critical of self or others and to harness the power of our own internal resources, willpower, and habits.

    With simple steps and strategies such as adjusting your internal monologue, cleaning up your vocabulary to include more positive language, becoming a passionist rather than a perfectionist, and more, The Perfection Detox is an essential guide to a healthy, full, authentic life.

    ©2018 Petra Kolber (P)2018 Hachette Audio


    "Embarking on Petra Kolber's detox program, will leave you lighter, healthier, and happier. The prescriptions in the book add up to a near-perfect antidote to perfectionism." (Tal Ben-Shahar, lecturer and author of The New York Times best-seller Happier)

    "If the affliction of perfectionism is causing you pain and eroding your relationship with yourself and others, then it is time for the Perfection Detox. Petra's message is simple and yet profound! The 21-step program sets the stage for a future where doubt demons don't control your actions and where you ultimately get to enjoy the life you deserve filled with possibility. Taming your inner critic is a valuable life lesson for us all!" (Kathy Smith, The New York Times best-selling author and fitness icon)

    "The Perfection Detox will change the way you think about life and success. In a fast-moving, hard-charging world, it's easy to drive ourselves to despair with impossible metrics and a belief that we're never enough. Petra Kolber teaches us how to thrive in a new and better way." (Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You and adjunct professor, Duke University Fuqua School of Business)

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