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Couverture de The Pentecost: The Holy Spirit's Arrival

The Pentecost: The Holy Spirit's Arrival

De : Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
Lu par : Jay Tyler
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    Step into the vibrant world of the early church with "The Pentecost: The Holy Spirit's Arrival Kids Bible Stories," a captivating collection that brings to life the transformative events following Jesus' ascension. Through vivid storytelling and rich sensory details, each chapter unfolds with the excitement and wonder experienced by the disciples and early believers.

    Journey alongside the disciples as they wait in Jerusalem, their hearts brimming with anticipation for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Experience the rush of wind and the sight of flames of fire descending upon them, marking the momentous arrival of the Holy Spirit. Hear the disciples speak in new tongues, miraculously proclaiming God's wonders to a diverse crowd gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost.

    Explore the heartfelt response of the crowd as Peter delivers a bold sermon, explaining the prophecy of Joel and calling for repentance and baptism. Witness the daily growth of the early church, where believers devoted themselves to fellowship, prayer, and sharing everything in common. Follow the disciples as they perform signs and wonders, healing the sick and demonstrating God's power in miraculous ways.

    From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the quiet moments of prayer and fellowship among believers, "The Pentecost: The Holy Spirit's Arrival Kids Bible Stories" immerses young listeners in the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations of the early church. Each story is accompanied by relevant Bible verses that underscore the spiritual significance of these events and encourage deeper reflection.

    Perfect for children and families seeking to understand and appreciate the foundations of the Christian faith, this book inspires faith, unity, and a sense of wonder at God's work through the Holy Spirit.

    ©2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi (P)2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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