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Couverture de The Pearls of Parlay

The Pearls of Parlay

De : Jack London
Lu par : Peter Coates
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    The Pearls of Parlay (1911) Parlay, who has become the ruler of the atoll of Hikihoho after marrying the queen there, summons the leading traders of the South Seas to his atoll for an auction of the whole of his fabulous collection of pearls. But that day is precisely at the peak of the hurricane season and when their ships have gathered in the atoll's lagoon the barometer starts going through the floor, as the mother of all hurricanes is on the verge of destroying not only all the ships but the island as well.

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    ©2021 Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing (P)2021 Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing

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