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Couverture de The Pavilion in the Clouds

The Pavilion in the Clouds

De : Alexander McCall Smith
Lu par : David Rintoul
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    The Pavilion in the Clouds is a new stand-alone title from best-selling author Alexander McCall Smith.

    It is 1938 and the final days of the British Empire. In a bungalow high up in the green hills above the plains of Ceylon, under a vast blue sky, live the Ferguson family - Bella, a precocious eight-year-old; her father, Henry - owner of Pitlochry, a tea plantation - and her mother, Virginia. The story centres around the Pavilion in the Clouds, set in the idyllic grounds carved out of the wilderness. But all is not as serene as it seems. Bella is suspicious of her governess Miss White's intentions. Her suspicion sparks off her mother's imagination, and after an unfortunate series of events, a confrontation is had with Miss White and a gunshot rings off around the hills. 

    Years later, Bella, now living back in Scotland at university in St Andrews, is faced once again with her past. Will she at last find out what happened between her father and Miss White? And will the guilt she has lived with all these years be reconciled by a long over-due apology?

    ©2021 Alexander McCall Smith (P)2021 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd

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