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  • The Path to Profits

  • An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Having It All … And Still Having a Life!
  • De : Michelle Jacobik
  • Lu par : Michelle Jacobik
  • Durée : 4 h et 45 min

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The Path to Profits

De : Michelle Jacobik
Lu par : Michelle Jacobik
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    Looking for a strategic edge in your business finances? THE PATH TO PROFITS offers a groundbreaking approach, cutting through the complexity to highlight what truly matters in your financial data.

    Where "Profit First" revolutionized entrepreneurial mindset, THE PATH TO PROFITS takes it a step further by uniquely demystifying the financial signals that drive sustainable growth.

    Join a legion of savvy entrepreneurs who have uncovered the secrets to long-term profitability and success beyond the usual strategies. This book isn't just about profit; it's about understanding the heart of your business’s financials with unparalleled clarity for creating the freedom you truly desire!

    Most entrepreneurs need to stop long enough to answer this question: Are you profitable in support of your life ... or at the expense of it?

    As a visionary, creative, or purpose-driven entrepreneur, you know how easy it can be to let your business rule your life. You'll do whatever it takes to succeed in the moment, and everything else— family, relationships, health, self-care, even sleep—takes a back burner. Meanwhile, you may not even be making enough money to cover your bills, let alone build the dream life you envisioned.

    But what if every bold move and drop of sweat could produce real, tangible profit from day one? What if the entrepreneurial game wasn't just about making money, but about keeping it, nurturing it, and putting it to work for you?

    True success and financial freedom aren’t just about the freedom to spend, but the freedom to create, build, and thrive. Getting there means marrying financial wisdom with your biggest, boldest desires.

    You’ll also need to follow a well-lit path toward financial empowerment with clear guideposts that support you, your business, and your bottom line—your personal Path to Profits.

    Business Profitability Strategist Michelle Jacobik is a 30-year veteran entrepreneur, coach, and finance professional. In this groundbreaking book, she reveals her signature Vision + Flow + Grow method for creating a profitable business—the same method that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs achieve their big visions in record time and change their lives and legacies forever.

    Profit is a habit, not a one-and-done. Hustle, burnout, and exhaustion don't have to be your norm. There's a better way to build your empire—and it will make your business more profitable, not less.

    Your Path to Profits awaits. Are you ready to step up?

    ©2022 Michelle Jacobik (P)2023 Michelle Jacobik

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