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Couverture de The Paris Diversion

The Paris Diversion

De : Chris Pavone
Lu par : Mozhan Marnò
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    "The most clever plot twist of the year." (Washington Post)

    "I nominate Kate Moore, the protagonist of Chris Pavone’s sizzling new thriller The Paris Diversion, for patron saint of working wives and mothers everywhere." (Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review)

    "The Paris Diversion is the best espionage novel I’ve read this year. Smart, sophisticated and suspenseful, this is Pavone’s finest novel to date - and that’s saying something." (Harlan Coben, number one New York Times best-selling author of Fool Me Once)

    "Deliciously twisty.... This involving work has been skillfully engineered for maximum reader enjoyment." (The Wall Street Journal)

    From the New York Times best-selling author of The Expats. Kate Moore is back in a pulse-pounding thriller to discover that a massive terror attack across Paris is not what it seems - and that it involves her family.

    American expat Kate Moore drops her kids at the international school, makes her rounds of chores, and meets her husband Dexter at their regular café: a leisurely start to a normal day, St-Germain-des-Prés.

    Across the Seine, tech CEO Hunter Forsyth stands on his balcony, wondering why his police escort just departed, and frustrated that his cell service has cut out; Hunter has important calls to make, not all of them technically legal.

    And on the nearby rue de Rivoli, Mahmoud Khalid climbs out of an electrician’s van and elbows his way into the crowded courtyard of the world’s largest museum. He sets down his metal briefcase, and removes his windbreaker.

    That’s when people start to scream.

    Everyone has big plans for the day. Dexter is going to make a small fortune, finally digging himself out of a deep financial hole, via an extremely risky investment. Hunter is going to make a huge fortune, with a major corporate acquisition that will send his company’s stock soaring. Kate has less ambitious plans: preparations for tonight’s dinner party - one of those homemaker obligations she still hasn’t embraced, even after a half-decade of this life - and an uneventful workday at the Paris Substation, the clandestine cadre of operatives that she’s been running, not entirely successfully, increasingly convinced that every day could be the last of her career. But every day is also a fresh chance to prove her own relevance, never more so than during today’s momentous events.

    And Mahmoud? He is planning to die today. And he won’t be the only one.

    ©2019 Chris Pavone (P)2019 Random House Audio


    "I tore through The Paris Diversion, completely caught up in the thrilling story of one remarkable day in Paris. With its twisting, high-stakes plot, all-too-human characters, and unrelenting tension, I couldn’t read it fast enough! I absolutely loved it - highly recommended!" (Shari Lapena, New York Times best-selling author of The Couple Next Door)

    “A fast-paced and heartfelt thriller set in the world of espionage and terrorism that echoes the best of John le Carré." (Associated Press)

    "Pavone’s timely new thriller spins through 12 hours and multiple voices to a startling conclusion." (BBC Culture)

    "Thriller writing at its absolute best. With echoes of Graham Greene and John le Carré, Pavone’s novel accomplishes that rare feat of being both a nonstop adventure ride and a smart, stylish and compelling meditation on family, courage, responsibilities, and the relationships we create, for good and bad, throughout our lives. The Paris Diversion does far more than divert; it grips us from the very beginning and doesn’t let go." (Jeffery Deaver, New York Times best-selling author of The Cutting Edge)

    "[A] fast-paced thriller...shelve alongside le Carré, Forsyth, and other masters of foreign intrigue." (Kirkus Reviews)

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