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  • The Parents

  • Breaking Generational Cycles, Ending Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Spirituality, Inner Child Healing, Ending Negative Belief Systems and Trauma
  • De : Suzanne Chima
  • Lu par : Lauren Gobes
  • Durée : 5 h et 37 min

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Couverture de The Parents

The Parents

De : Suzanne Chima
Lu par : Lauren Gobes
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    The Parents is a story of a woman who overcame years of abuse and trauma by discovering the dark root from which it all formed: the generational programming passed down through her family line, and belief systems that could reach back thousands of generations which created repeated patterns of pain and damage.
    She realized that these beliefs ingrained in her since birth shaped her in ways she never fully understood. After overcoming emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, as well as losing her children and facing financial failure, she found power in tapping into her inner being and breaking free from the cycle of abuse and trauma. Her journey was not an easy one, but it was worth it to finally experience peace, prosperity, and love in her life.
    Through it all, she persevered and learned to think outside the bubble of her programming, to hear and listen to her inner guide's direction, and to pursue what she truly loved. Overcoming the torture of being trapped in my mind's incessant thoughts. Relentlessly breaking the cycles and programs of my family and ancestors.
    In this book, Suzanne invites listeners to join her on this incredible journey of breaking free from the chains of generational programming and discovering for themselves the power of finding their inner strength and voice.

    ©2023 Suzanne Chima (P)2024 Suzanne Chima

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