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Couverture de The Pages

The Pages

De : Hugo Hamilton
Lu par : Kristin Atherton, Stephanie Racine
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    ‘Part thriller, part treasure hunt and part love story … Profound and heartbreaking’ Sunday Times‘A terrific, engrossing novel’ Roddy Doyle‘A masterpiece’ Sebastian Barry‘A rich, strange book. Very truthful and moving’ Tessa Hadley

    The new novel about the transformative power of art, the weight of history and the strange connection we make with one another, from the author of The Speckled People.

    The narrator of The Pages is not a human but a book: a first edition of Joseph Roth’s masterpiece Rebellion, rescued from a Nazi book-burning in 1933. In recounting its history, it tells a multitude of stories: of Andreas, the character who lives in its pages; of its current owner, a woman whose discovery of a hand-drawn map in the book begins a thrilling mystery; and of Roth himself, a writer on the run. Together, they form a compelling story about art, nationalism, the weight of history, and the strange connections between us.

    ‘This book simply must be read. It is magnificent’ Irish Independent

    ‘A powerful, powerful piece of work’ Colum McCann

    ©2021 Hugo Hamilton (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "Brilliant. It's a lovely, rich, strange book, very truthful and moving, with a beautiful ending." (Tessa Hadley)

    "A masterpiece. Full of great sentences. But also sort of obliteratingly moving, strange, and right." (Sebastian Barry)

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