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Couverture de The Other Side of Night

The Other Side of Night

De : Adam Hamdy
Lu par : Justin Avoth
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    'A fantastic read. Mind bending, gut wrenchingly tense and one of the most original stories I’ve read in years. It was an absolute treat' - John Marrs, author of The Vacation

    A New York Times Best Thriller Pick for 2022

    Bestselling author Adam Hamdy returns with The Other Side of Night, an utterly unforgettable tale of love, loss and redemption.

    When disgraced former police officer Harriet Kealty discovers a plea for help in the margins of a second-hand book, she sets out to unravel a mystery that quickly leads her to confront some uncomfortable ties to her own life, including her ex-lover Ben.

    Following the deaths of his close friends, Ben became an adoptive father to their orphaned son Elliot. But Harriet suspects that Ben knows more about these deaths than he’s willing to say…

    What starts as a simple investigation becomes something entirely different in this moving story that will open hearts and minds as it answers the question: what would you do for one more moment with someone that you love?

    What authors are saying:

    ‘A big-hearted, big-brain, novel that you'll finish in three days and think about for the rest of the year. Wonderful.’ - Stuart Turton, author of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

    ‘The pages almost turn themselves and when I was finished I couldn’t stop thinking about the story’s incredible twists, turns, and surprises’ - James Patterson, author of the Alex Cross and Private series

    'Remarkable' - Anthony Horowitz, author of The Twist of a Knife

    ‘A strange, compelling, and ultimately moving head-spinner of a novel’ - John Connolly, author of The Furies

    'Absolutely brilliant. I was blown away' - Manda Scott, author of the Boudica series

    ©2022 Macmillan Publishers International Limited (P)2022 Macmillan Publishers International Limited

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