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  • The Other Realm: The Court Series Omnibus

  • The Other Realm Universe: Omnibus Editions, Book 3
  • De : Heather G. Harris
  • Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
  • Durée : 20 h et 17 min

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The Other Realm: The Court Series Omnibus

De : Heather G. Harris
Lu par : Alyse Gibbs
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    Books five to seven in The Other Realm series!

    I'm supposed to be meeting with Emory's dragon Court and amazing them with my suave wit and shining intellect. Instead, I'm on the trail of a kidnapper. Someone has stolen away a centaur teenager, Alfie, from a magical circus. The circus master has hired me and Gato to find out who took him—hopefully before Alfie swims with the fishes.

    The problem is, no one in the circus is who they say they are. The Other Circus is a front for a magical underground, helping those that want to leave their magical lives far behind. They've spent years keeping their heads down and their mouths shut, and it's going to take more than asking nicely to get this bunch to crack.

    The clock is ticking, not just to find Alfie, but also for me to impress Emory's dragon Court. When I finally meet them, I'm going to have to pass through a series of consort challenges before they'll recognize me as Emory's intended mate. Oh, and they won't tell me what's a challenge, and what's not. Nothing is what it seems, but luckily I come with an inbuilt lie detector. I'm itching to prove to the standoffish dragon-shifters that I'm more than a pretty face, but finding Alfie has to come first.

    I'm juggling things as best I can, but all it will take is one wrong move to bring everything crashing down on my head.

    Burn through this fun, fast-paced, laugh-out-loud mix of urban fantasy and mystery.

    This collection contains the following books:
    Challenge of the Court
    Betrayal of the Court
    Revival of the Court

    These are books five to seven in The Other Realm series. It is strongly recommended that you listen to books one to four first, starting with Glimmer of the Other.

    If you like humor, heart, a strong heroine, and a slow burn fade-to-black romance, check out The Court Series by internationally best-selling author Heather G. Harris.

    ©2023 Heather G. Harris (P)2023 Heather G. Harris

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