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Couverture de The Orloj of Paris

The Orloj of Paris

De : Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II
Lu par : Daniel Dorse
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    Young Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II's adventure happens inside of Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral's imaginary astrological clock. Exactly a year after his quest in Venice's astrological clock, together with the same band of now five young wizards, while seeking the path to the Orloj, the young wizard wanders across France, visiting the astrological clocks of Rouen, Lyon, Besançon, Strasbourg, Beauvais, Ploermel, and finally Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral. Once in Paris, they experience a city filled with wizards, enchanters, witches, conjurers, and once more, the evil gnome. The youngsters seek clues in order to solve the mystery of how to fix the city of Lyon's long-broken astrological clock and by doing so become "Master Wizards". Once more, they are guided in their quest by the Orloj, the old clock, as well as Buggie and Thumbpee, his sons.

    Through the wicked streets of Paris, the young wizards must find six statues representing each of the human virtues of respect, selflessness, tolerance, and the human flaws of indifference, arrogance, and deafness. Only after they successfully master them will they earn the clues that will show them how to fix Lyon's astrological clock.

    The Orloj of Paris is a magical tale filled with nonstop action and thrills, a well as timeless wisdom through nine unforgettable fables and poems.

    Erasmus Cromwell-Smith, II is an American writer, playwright, and poet. The Orloj series has been crafted through a very intense and intimate introspective dive into the author's own life experiences and wisdom. Volume four, The Orloj of London, will be published in the winter.

    ©2022 RCHC LLC (P)2022 RCHC LLC

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