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  • The Opposite of Hiding

  • How Plant Medicine Transformed My Life
  • De : Shayla Malek
  • Lu par : Shayla Malek
  • Durée : 7 h et 12 min

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The Opposite of Hiding

De : Shayla Malek
Lu par : Shayla Malek
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    "I know I’ve told myself before that I want to heal, and I’m going to do better, and somehow I always ended up self-sabotaging. This time feels different. I feel lighter in my heart since I started doing the plant medicine. Each of those lanterns the ayahuasca laid as a trail for me to follow out of my pit of depression is still burning brightly inside my chest. They are making me glow from the inside in a swirling array of fluorescent, fractalizing patterns, repeating and repeating in on themselves."

    In her debut memoir The Opposite Of Hiding: How Plant Medicine Transformed My Life, Shayla Malek takes you on a captivating firsthand account of her journey from her early years of growing up with a father who was a Holocaust survivor, through to her discovery of the healing potential of psychedelics. Her words paint vivid pictures of not just how she healed her inter-generational trauma and then the PTSD of her father’s suicide, but how she found love, joy, and peace, and was able to bring her true self out of hiding.

    Have you ever been told that your pain didn’t matter because, compared to others, you haven’t suffered enough? Maybe you relate to feeling depressed, anxious, or dissociated, and are desperate for ways to change? Are you curious about what a plant-medicine assisted journey looks like? Or maybe you just want to read a story of hope and healing. No matter what, The Opposite Of Hiding is for you.

    ©2022, 2023 Michelle Malek (P)2023 Michelle Malek

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