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Couverture de The Opium Hunter

The Opium Hunter

De : Jerry Ahern
Lu par : Scott "Scooter" Fortney
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    Hank Frost, the one-eyed merc Captain with the mile-long string of eye patch jokes, the overused nine mm and a low-budget bank account, loses the commission on a multi-million-dollar deal and to keep on eating, hires out for a vendetta against the Burmese drug warlords. With a mercenary commando team, Frost penetrates the steaming Southeast Asian jungles to knock off the kingpin of the raw opium trade and avenge a savage murder.

    From New Orleans to Upstate New York, from Miami to Thailand, Frost is duking it out with the billion-dollar drug business, a Cosa Nostra capo who wants to corner the market and power-mad warlords at the head of the opium pipeline. Then he has to deal with the girl from the drug awareness political action group who wants to get the hard facts on opium smuggling and could wind up a high-priced harem slave. And the one-eyed man is sentenced to an execution that might just switch him over to headless jokes...

    ©1981 Axel Kilgore (P)2012 Speaking Volumes

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