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  • The Only Living Trusts Book You’ll Ever Need

  • How to Make Your Own Living Trust, Avoid Probate & Protect Your Heirs (Plus Protect Your Assets & Save Thousands on Taxes) (Estate Planning Guides 2)
  • De : Garrett Monroe
  • Lu par : N.W. Edwards
  • Durée : 3 h et 47 min

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The Only Living Trusts Book You’ll Ever Need

De : Garrett Monroe
Lu par : N.W. Edwards
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    Secure Your Legacy: Craft Unbreakable Trusts & Shield Your Estate While Protecting Those You Love!

    Unlock true peace of mind with our definitive guide to managing and protecting your assets. This isn't just another dry legal book; it’s your all-in-one solution to creating a living trust that ensures your legacy is exactly as you intend it to be.

    What’s Inside "The Ultimate Guide to Living Trusts":

    • Discover The Fundamental Principles Of Living Trusts, Including The Differences Between Revocable And Irrevocable Trusts And How To Choose What’s Best For You.
    • Learn The Truth Behind Common Living Trust Misconceptions And Myths That Might Be Holding You Back From Tons Of Monetary Benefits.
    • Strategies To Shield Your Estate From Taxes And Creditors, Ensuring That Your Assets Go Exactly Where You Want Them To.
    • Detailed Instructions On How To Handle Digital Assets Like Social Media, Online Bank Accounts, And Cryptocurrency In Your Trust.
    • Strategies To Provide For Children And Dependents, Including How To Manage Their Inheritance Responsibly So They Stay Protected For Life.

    With your purchase, you also get the Estate Planning Empowerment Kit!

    1. The Living Trusts Creation Checklist : Your go-to resource for creating your living trust step-by-step, ensuring you don’t miss any critical details.
    2. The Trustee Training Guide: A comprehensive guide for your trustee, helping them understand their roles and responsibilities for managing your trust effectively.

    Don’t leave the future of your estate up to chance. This is your toolkit to ensure your assets are managed exactly as you wish, without the interference of courts or the burden of unnecessary taxes.

    ©2024 Garrett Monroe (P)2024 Garrett Monroe

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