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Couverture de The Omnipresence

The Omnipresence

De : Swatantra K Anand
Lu par : Sarika
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    The author founded and serves as chairman of the Regd. charitable trust "VISHWA BANDHUTWA FOUNDATION (WORLD BROTHERHOOD FOUNDATION)."

    WBF is a global platform that offers opportunity to all of its participants without consideration of their religion, caste, creed, color, or nationality. 1) To make it easier for people to travel, visit, and see the world using less resources or through group-to-group bartering. 2) The possibilities are endless when it comes to exploring many more provisions on demand. The author studied science, music, and culture in addition to earning a degree in arts from BHU. The author has always been analytical in weighing the ways that nature and the lives of surviving species should be balanced to the fullest extent possible for everyone's art of life. The writer has always played a crucial role.

    ©2024 Swatantra K Anand (P)2024 BlueRose Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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