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Couverture de The Older Woman: The Complete Series 1 and 2

The Older Woman: The Complete Series 1 and 2

De : Tony Bagley
Lu par : Alistair McGowan, David Troughton, Geraldine James, Martin Clunes, Nicky Henson, Rebecca Front, Zoë Wanamaker
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    All twelve episodes of the rom-com serial with a twist, starring Martin Clunes, Zoë Wanamaker and Geraldine James

    Roy Hitchcock is a provincial hack journalist and inveterate daydreamer. When he meets his former English teacher at his old school’s prize-giving ceremony, his private fantasies run wild and he sets out to capture her heart. Unfortunately, his attempts to get in Miss Callaghan’s good books constantly backfire – and the more he apologises, the less impressed she is. There’s also another major obstacle in his path, in the macho form of Jane’s current lover, media hero Chad Mann.

    As Roy battles on against the odds, things go from bad to worse, and he finds himself jobless, rejected and about to have his house repossessed. But when his video diary is transmitted by a TV company, his emotional turmoil is revealed to the world. Will it finally win Jane over?

    Created by Tony Bagley (Married, Rubbish) and based on his own real-life experiences, this romantic comedy drama with a touch of the surreal stars Martin Clunes as Roy and Zoë Wanamaker and Geraldine James as Jane. Among the supporting cast are Toyah Willcox, David Troughton, Nicky Henson, Rebecca Front and Alistair McGowan, and Paul Vaughan and Dr Anthony Clare make special guest appearances as themselves.

    Production credits
    Written by Tony Bagley
    Produced by Paul Schlesinger
    Music composed by Julian Wastall
    Theme sung by Toyah Willcox

    Jane Callaghan – Zoë Wanamaker/Geraldine James
    Roy Hitchcock – Martin Clunes
    Various roles played by Toyah Wilcox, David Troughton, Nicky Henson, Keith Drinkel, Sue Roderick, Melanie Hudson, Susannah Corbett, David Holt, Geoff McGivern, Steve Hodson/Simon Treves, John Baddeley, Peter Serafinowicz, Rebecca Front, Alistair McGowan, Paul Panting, Matthew Morgan, Jonathan Adams, Bryan Dick, Linda Polan, Philip Anthony, Tilly Vosburgh
    Also featuring Paul Vaughan and Dr Anthony Clare as themselves

    First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 12 Jan-16 Feb 1993 (Series 1), 16 Aug-20 Sep 1994 (Series 2)

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
    • Émission radio / télé
    • Catégories : Romance

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