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Couverture de The Observer

The Observer

De : Todd Stottlemyre
Lu par : Meagan Karimi-Naser
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    “A powerful work with insights that, once applied, will help you lift your life to a completely new level.” (Robin Sharma, number-one best-selling author of The 5AM Club and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

    Kat has it all - money, success, recognition, influence - except the one thing she desperately desires: a fulfilled life. A business entrepreneur in the high-end sportswear industry, Kat is driven in relentless pursuit of ever-greater success. 

    The two anchors in Kat's frenzied life have been her father, a famous baseball pitcher turned team manager, and her son, who is following in his grandfather's footsteps. When both anchors become unstable, Kat's life tips dangerously out of balance. The market and her finances flip, and relationships start slipping through her fingers. Eager for solutions, she turns to find uncanny wisdom from places she never expected. 

    The Observer unpacks the idea of 180-degree thinking, which changes everything for Kat. Now, seemingly impossible goals now come into focus with crystal clear clarity. As Kat focuses on the right things, the impossible becomes her new reality.

    Imparted with truth and wisdom, The Observer is a classic for discovering the peak performer within yourself. This timeless story of success principles is more important today than it has ever been before as uncertainty lurks right around the corner.

    ©2020 Made for Success Publishing (P)2020 Made for Success Publishing

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