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  • The Not-So-Intelligent Designer

  • Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not
  • De : Abby Hafer
  • Lu par : Seth Andrews
  • Durée : 5 h et 51 min

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The Not-So-Intelligent Designer

De : Abby Hafer
Lu par : Seth Andrews
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    Why do men's testicles hang outside the body? Why does our appendix sometimes explode and kill us? And who does the Designer like better, anyway--us or squid? These and other questions are addressed in The Not-So-Intelligent Designer: Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not.

    Dr. Abby Hafer argues that the human body has many faulty design features that would never have been the choice of an intelligent creator.

    She also points out that there are other animals that got better body parts, which makes the Designer look a bit strange; discusses the history and politics of Intelligent Design and creationism; reveals animals that shouldn't exist according to Intelligent Design; and disposes of the idea of irreducible complexity.

    Her points are illustrated with wit and erudition.

    Dr. Abby Hafer has a doctorate in zoology from Oxford University. She is a Senior Lecturer who teaches human anatomy and physiology at Curry College.

    ©2015 Abby Hafer (P)2023 Abby Hafer


    "For an adequate account of the world, we must take a sober look at life as it really is. Hafer shows that things are a whole lot messier and makeshift than what some intelligent design theories would incline us to believe. This book has the potential not only to alter the political terrain in wars over evolution and creationism but also to prompt believers like me to rethink how we should talk about God as Creator." --Thomas Jay Oord, author of Divine Grace and Emerging Creation

    "The Not-So-Intelligent Designer is a much-needed work in an America where anti-intellectualism is rampant and, shockingly, even candidates for high office frequently reject evolution. Abby Hafer has that rare ability to communicate complex scientific ideas in understandable terms for non-scientists, and this book is sure to enlighten many." --David Niose, author of Fighting Back the Right

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