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Couverture de The Non-Prophet's Guide™ to Spiritual Warfare

The Non-Prophet's Guide™ to Spiritual Warfare

De : Todd Hampson
Lu par : Spiritual Matthew
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    Everything you need to know about fighting—and winning—your spiritual battles. Even as a Christian, it can be difficult to discern the facts about the supernatural nature of good and evil. How much has pop culture influenced our ideas about angels and demons? Why do we as Christians face spiritual warfare when the Holy Spirit dwells within us? What limits exist on Satan's powers? In The Non-Prophet's Guide™ to Spiritual Warfare, bestselling author and illustrator Todd Hampson gets to the heart of your questions about spiritual battles, angels, demons, the nature of evil, and more. With Todd's signature combination of light-hearted illustrations and thoughtful applications of Scripture, this guide is both easy to understand and deeply informative. You will learn to—discern between cultural myths and biblical facts about the supernatural, recognize the real threats you face while remaining grounded in God's truth, understand why being ready to stand against demonic influence is more important now than ever before. The Non-Prophet's Guide™ to Spiritual Warfare will give you the resources you need to champion spiritual battles, while inspiring you to dive deeper into God's Word to equip yourself with truth.

    Included is an accompanying PDF featuring engaging graphics, insightful illustrations, and delightful comics that enhance your listening experience.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Todd Hampson (P)2024 GodSounds, Inc.

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