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The Ninth Child

De : Lisa May LeBlanc
Lu par : Lisa May LeBlanc
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In this raw and revealing memoir, Lisa LeBlanc pulls back the curtain on her life as the youngest child growing up in a large farm family influenced by religious legalism. You will get a dose of hope when you listen to Lisa May LeBlanc narrate the story of her journey to hope and healing from trauma-induced mental illness.

This book is for you if:

  • You grew up in the church and still live with the consequences of early childhood trauma.
  • You believe that you are the exception to the rule that Jesus loves everyone.
  • You tried to pray away your mental illness and trauma and it didn't work.

Someone you care about shares a similar story and deserves validation and understanding. You are not alone. Hope exists and healing is possible, and this story can help you find them. In this raw and revealing memoir, Lisa LeBlanc pulls back the curtain on her life as the youngest child growing up in a large farm family, influenced by religious legalism. A victim of abuse and sexual molestation by a deacon, Lisa was trapped by a code of silence and constricting religious rules. Even as people in her life disappointed her, God pursued her, and her depression and suicide ideation continued to collide with hope until she found healing through neurofeedback brain training. As a mental health advocate and ministry leader in her church, Lisa now uses her story to help others find hope in their journey of mental illness and trauma recovery.

©2023 Lisa May LeBlanc (P)2024 Lisa May LeBlanc
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