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Couverture de The Night She Died

The Night She Died

De : Deirdre Palmer
Lu par : Rose McPhilemy
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    My life is split into two parts. Before my best friend Danni died, and after.

    For years that night at the party has played on repeat in my mind. Danni was tipsy and heartbroken after being dumped suddenly by Nathan. I took her to lie down, encouraged her to sleep it off, told her to stop making a scene. Only hours later, Danni was found outside beneath the bedroom window, dead.

    Danni’s parents see me as a second daughter. They even have my picture hanging on their wall. But they don’t know everything about the night their daughter died. They don’t know what I can’t bring myself to tell them, and the truth is eating me alive.

    Will they still see me as a second daughter when they find out? And why do I feel like they’re hiding something, too?

    Fans of The Housemaid, The Girl on the Train and books by Susan Lewis will be completely gripped by this thrilling and suspenseful emotional family drama with plenty of twists and turns.

    ©2023 Deirdre Palmer (P)2023 Storm Publishing

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