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Couverture de The Night Ends with Fire

The Night Ends with Fire

De : K. X. Song
Lu par : Natalie Naudus
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    Infused with magic and romance, this sweeping fantasy adventure inspired by the legend of Mulan follows a young woman determined to choose her own destiny—even if that means going against everyone she loves.

    The Three Kingdoms are at war, but Meilin’s father refuses to answer the imperial draft. Trapped by his opium addiction, he plans to sell Meilin for her dowry. But when Meilin discovers her husband-to-be is another violent, ill-tempered man, she realizes that nothing will change for her unless she takes matters into her own hands.

    The very next day, she disguises herself as a boy and enlists in her father’s place.

    In the army, Meilin's relentless hard work brings her recognition, friendship—and a growing closeness with Sky, a prince turned training partner. But has she simply exchanged one prison for another? As her kingdom barrels toward destruction, Meilin begins to have visions of a sea dragon spirit that offers her true power and freedom, but with a deadly price.

    With the future of the Three Kingdoms hanging in the balance, Meilin will need to decide whom to trust—Sky, who inspires her loyalty and love; the sea dragon spirit, who has his own murky agenda; or an infuriating enemy prince who makes her question everything she once knew—about her kingdom and about her own heart.

    ©2024 K. X. Song (P)2024 Penguin Audio


    The Night Ends with Fire is what blessedly happens when the themes of Hua Mulan’s legend are combined with wuxia principles and a powerful new voice in adult fantasy. K.X. Song’s soaring, emotive prose takes the reader on an unforgettable adventure in a painstakingly realized world, laced with fascinating characters that effortlessly play off of one another and twists that leave us reeling. I devoured every page of this truly epic tale.”—Thea Guanzon, USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of The Hurricane Wars

    “Sweepingly epic and tenderly romantic, The Night Ends With Fire is a fiercely feminist adventure about a young woman fighting to shape her destiny in a world of lore, magic, and war. One not to miss for fans of Mulan.”—Amélie Wen Zhao, New York Times bestselling author of Song of Silver, Flame Like Night

    "An awesome, engaging fantasy that takes a hard look at the cost of being true to yourself. Adventure, romance and dragons abound in this fantastic tale."—Patricia Briggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Mercy Thompson series

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