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  • The News Quiz: A Heritage Collection

  • Highlights from the Topical Radio 4 Panel Show
  • De : BBC Radio Comedy
  • Lu par : various
  • Durée : 6 h et 23 min

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The News Quiz: A Heritage Collection

De : BBC Radio Comedy
Lu par : various
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    A brand-new collection of previously unpublished episodes taken from the programme's first four decades.

    As highly prized as a Ming vase or a Regency sideboard, this fine collection of 14 vintage episodes of BBC Radio 4’s long-running panel show - chaired by Barry Took, Simon Hoggart, Bill Tidy and Sandi Toksvig - is at last available for all to hear. Those in the know will discern a clear patina of sensible, silly and salacious news items from Britain, America and all around the world.

    Joining regular panellists Alan Coren, Richard Ingrams, Jeremy Hardy and Andy Hamilton to examine the silverware are guest players including Clive Anderson, Mark Steel, Jo Brand, Ian Hislop, Phill Jupitus, and John Sergeant.

    Included among the programmes is a duo of two-part News Quiz of the Year editions from 1981/82 and 1983.

    First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 26/12/1981, 02/01/1982, 24/12/1983, 25/12/1983, 05/10/1985, 22/09/1990, 22/03/1997, 04/10/1997, 05/01/2001, 01/03/2002, 29/02/2008, 09/01/2009, 04/02/2011, 06/04/2012.

    Cast and credits
    Written by Stephen Carlin, Carl Carter, Dave Cohen, Lucy Clarke, Rhodri Crooks, Nev Fountain, Gareth Gwynn, Jon Hunter, John Langdon, Simon Littlefield, Paul McKenzie, Gráinne Maguire, Benjamin Partridge, Suk Pannu, Iain Pattinson, George Poles, John-Luke Roberts, Hugh Ryecroft, Jane Sherwood, David Spicer
    Chaired by Barry Took, Simon Hoggart, Bill Tidy & Sandi Toksvig
    With Clive Anderson, Joan Bakewell, Alistair Beaton, Jo Brand, Susan Calman, Alan Coren, Kevin Day, Justin Edwards, Andy Hamilton, Phil Hammond, Jeremy Hardy, Ian Hislop, Peter Hobday, Simon Hoggart, Laurence Howarth, Richard Ingrams, Phill Jupitus, Miles Kington, Andrew Lawrence, Ann Leslie, Stan McMurtrie, Edward Pearce, Gay Search, John Sergeant, Linda Smith, Mark Steel, David Taylor, Laurie Taylor, Sandi Toksvig, John Wells, Francis Wheen, Michael White.
    Newsreaders: Harriet Cass, Corrie Corfield, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, John Marsh, Brian Perkins, Simon Vance
    Produced by Lucy Armitage, Sam Bryant, Aled Evans, Danny Greenstone, Victoria Lloyd, Diane Messias, Ed Morrish, Alan Nixon, and Jon Rolph
    Episode selection by Michael Stevens

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
    • Émission radio / télé
    • Catégories : Histoire

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