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  • The New Testament Made Easier - Part 2

  • Study Guide for the King James Version of The Acts Through James
  • De : David J. Ridges
  • Lu par : John Hopkinson
  • Durée : 29 h et 9 min

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The New Testament Made Easier - Part 2

De : David J. Ridges
Lu par : John Hopkinson
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    The New Testament Made Easier - Part 2 is a Latter-day Saint study guide for the King James Version of The Acts through James.

    Noted teacher and gospel scholar David J. Ridges brings the New Testament to life with his well-known teaching skills in this third edition of The New Testament Made Easier Part 2. This enhanced version now includes hundreds of additional brief notes and commentary, plus many verses from the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible and the full text of the best-selling book Our Savior Jesus Christ.

    As with most of the author's other books in the Gospel Study Series, the full text of the scripture is included, and the convenient format makes it easier to see the comparisons between specific verses and their counterparts in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible.

    Join the tens of thousands of listeners who have experienced spiritual growth from studying and pondering the books in this series.

    A powerful study guide

    • Quickly gain a basic understanding of the New Testament with the help of brief notes within and between the verses, accompanied by bolding for teaching emphasis. Example: John 16:23 23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
    • Transfer the brief notes into your own scriptures to increase your understanding of the New Testament now and in the future.
    • Better understand the symbolism in the Savior's parables.
    ©2022 Cedar Fort Publishing and Media (P)2023 Cedar Fort Publishing and Media

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