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  • The New School of Economics: The Platform and Theory Behind the New Physiocrats

  • De : Philip Allan
  • Lu par : Jason Sullivan
  • Durée : 4 h et 34 min

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Couverture de The New School of Economics: The Platform and Theory Behind the New Physiocrats

The New School of Economics: The Platform and Theory Behind the New Physiocrats

De : Philip Allan
Lu par : Jason Sullivan
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    Meet the economic architects behind the world's most exciting political movement, and gain insight into their platform.

    Policymakers, informed voters, and those who need to know what the future holds for their country, must listen to this audiobook. The New School of Economics discusses a future in which incomes can be raised dramatically through elegant policy solutions, and was published before other attempts at such a comprehensive platform were made (such as Andrew Yang's platform and publication). Ahead of its time, and with predictive potential, The New School of Economics will inspire voters and policymakers to build a liberating future we can be proud of.

    The New Physiocratic League is a political-economic framework, movement, and certification body, which has finally managed to reconcile the concerns of the full political spectrum by modernizing and building upon the philosophy of Georgism.

    ©2018 Philip Allan (P)2020 Philip Allan

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