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  • The New Rules of Engagement: A Guide to Understanding & Connecting With Generation Y

  • De : Michael McQueen
  • Lu par : Michael McQueen
  • Durée : 5 h et 2 min

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The New Rules of Engagement: A Guide to Understanding & Connecting With Generation Y

De : Michael McQueen
Lu par : Michael McQueen
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    Who are the Millennials (Gen Y)?   

    To some they are the tech-savvy, well educated, and ambitious youngsters poised to take on and change the world. Others, however, describe a disloyal, disrespectful, and demanding generation who have never learned to wait or really work hard for anything.  

    Born between the early 1980's and the late 1990's, The Millennials or Generation Y have certainly caused a stir in recent years. Parents, teachers, and business owners alike face the challenge of understanding and engaging a generation who have essentially grown up in a different world.  

    In this ground-breaking best seller, you will learn how the era into which you are born has a profound effect on your perceptions and worldview. Building on this understanding, you will begin to see why Millennials/Gen Y are so different and discover some powerful strategies for engaging them be it at home, in the classroom or at work.   

    Get set for an entertaining, revealing, and insightful look inside the minds of today's young people.

    ©2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Michael McQueen (P)2018 Michael McQueen

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