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Couverture de The New Oil

The New Oil

De : Arent van 't Spijker
Lu par : Randal Schaffer
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    The New Oil shows how data changes the traditional business paradigm, how it drives innovation and enables market disruptions, and how it offers opportunities to companies developing business models based on data as a key asset. The New Oil shows how data impacts not just high tech, high-profile companies, but also old school, low-tech industries all around the world. Data lives and breathes within every single company.

    Well over a century ago, oil drove the development of innovations such as the internal combustion engine, central heating, and plastics, changing our world and our economy. Oil, as a technology, fueled an economic force that inexorably changed the way people lived and worked. Today, data is fueling a very similar change: it is the driving force for new business models and disruptive technologies that impact companies in every imaginable industry.

    In The New Oil, Arent van 't Spijker explains how companies such as Google, Nike, and Xiaomi are leveraging a "data-driven strategy" to turn data into profit. Many other examples highlight the applications and commercial potential for data. Van 't Spijker describes five typical business models for monetizing data that help you to develop viable business models for leveraging data in your own company. He then shows how to successfully put these business models to practice.

    The New Oil will inspire you to follow in the footsteps of market leaders and turn data into an innovative business driver.

    ©2014 Arent van 't Spijker (P)2016 Technics Publications

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