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Couverture de The New Entrepreneurz

The New Entrepreneurz

De : Ronen Gafni, Simcha Gluck
Lu par : Simcha Gluck
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    The New Entrepreneurz are the game changers who can be found playing different games across the spectrum. They are the business owners, the managers, the lawyers, the moms and dads, the lovers, the educators, the artists, and healers. Entrepreneurship is no longer just about business; it is the new mindset. For too long we have been sold on the lie of competition and life in the tired Rat Race. Times have changed, and in this new Shared Economy, opportunities are everywhere and resources are abundant if we just learn to see them.

    The New Entrepreneurz provides a game-changing, game-based approach to molding your mind and developing a fresh entrepreneurial mentality that focuses on working smart & on collaborative winning. Advocating not for simple change, but for total transformation, this revolutionary resource provides a powerful platform to shift the paradigm for all those interested in running a smart purpose driven business. The audiobook offers:

    • How to win the game as a successful New Entrepreneur
    • Best practices on how to build a game changer business
    • Tips and tricks on becoming a smart business
    • A ReFreshing perspective on business, money, relationships, and education
    • How to generate Win to the Winth Power relationships and smartnerships

    Ronen Gafni and Simcha Gluck take you on the adventures of The New Entrepreneurz through sharing their own unique story of FreshBiz. From the sleepless night that Ronen first conceived of the game-changing board game to the now international company impacting tens of thousands around the globe. Being featured on the GameChangers500 list alongside companies like Etzy, Google and Zappos, demonstrates the power of how they walk the talk in a completely unique and fresh approach to life and business.

    ©2014 Ronen Gafni (P)2014 Audible Inc.

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