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  • The New CEO

  • Lessons from CEOs on How to Start Well and Perform Quickly (Minus the Common Mistakes)
  • De : Ty Wiggins
  • Lu par : Grant Cartwright
  • Durée : 6 h et 30 min

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The New CEO

De : Ty Wiggins
Lu par : Grant Cartwright
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    Becoming a CEO is a high-stakes moment, whether it's your first, second, or third time in the seat. What you say and how you act in your early days as CEO sets the tone for how you'll be perceived for years to come. Yet, until now, few CEOs have shared their stories on what worked, what didn't, and what they wish they'd done differently.

    In The New CEO, Dr. Ty Wiggins, an experienced leadership advisor specializing in CEO transitions, explains how to land well as a new CEO, accelerate your impact, and unlock the most affirming experience of your career.

    Drawing on compelling storytelling and groundbreaking research of hundreds of CEOs around the world, the book offers a incisive guide on what to say and do as a new CEO, including how to define your priorities, build your team, fast-track critical changes, work with the board, and set (or reset) the organization's culture. You'll also learn why being a CEO is the toughest (and loneliest) job in business—and what to do about it; how to overcome the "First 100 Days" mindset and pressure for early wins to deliver sustainable, long-term success; and how to avoid getting trapped in the "CEO Bubble," as well as how to navigate (inevitable) challenges, knocks, and missteps.

    ©2024 Russell Reynolds Associates, Inc. (P)2024 Ascent Audio

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