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Couverture de The Necromancer's Wife

The Necromancer's Wife

De : Cara Vance, Rick Gualtieri
Lu par : Erin Tiggy
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    Can the peace of the afterlife compare to the pleasures of the flesh?

    Lydia Strom has an incredible love life. For her, there are no forbidden desires, fantasies left unexplored, or boundaries that can't be crossed. There's just one small problem. She died three years ago.

    Somehow her husband has found a way to transcend the barrier between life and death so as to bring her soul back for short periods. Each time Lydia awakens, she's in control of a different body. She gets to experience her husband's touch through the senses of other women, allowing her to enjoy him in ways she'd never thought possible.

    But not everything is as it seems. As Lydia explores her new existence, she begins to suspect that her husband has been keeping secrets about his past, their marriage, and her death. Now she must confront these mysteries head-on and decide which means more to her: the earthly pleasure he offers or the comeuppance he might deserve.

    If you enjoy paranormal romance with a wicked twist, then be sure to listen to this tale that gives new meaning to the phrase "till death do us part".

    Note: 18+ adults only - contains graphic scenes and disturbing imagery.

    ©2015 Cara Vance (P)2022 Cara Vance

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