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Couverture de The Narrows

The Narrows

De : Sean-Michael Argo
Lu par : Khai Lannor
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    The Narrows are the most shark infested waters of the Caribbean, a three kilometer wide strait steeped in folklore that exists between the islands of St Kitts and Nevis, upon which ships full of people risk passage every day.

    In 1970 the Christena ferry disaster claims the lives of over 233 passengers, and a young man named Marcus is part of the daring rescue operation, battling abnormally aggressive sharks and stormy seas to rescue victims. In 1994 a group of jetset Americans are on the last leg of a vacation tour filled with relationship drama and underwater adventures, and they have come to wreck dive the Christena. When the Americans find themselves trapped in the submerged wreck, fighting off sharks and with dwindling oxygen, an older Marcus is once more forced to face the horror of the Narrows.

    Blood is in the water and the sharks are swarming as the past and present collide in this tale of tragic misfortune and savage heroism.

    ©2024 Severed Press (P)2024 Severed Press

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