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  • The Narrow Path

  • How the Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls
  • De : Rich Villodas
  • Lu par : Rich Villodas
  • Durée : 5 h et 27 min

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The Narrow Path

De : Rich Villodas
Lu par : Rich Villodas
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    A compelling call to embrace the countercultural values of Jesus, which lead to a life of love, peace, and fulfillment, from the bestselling author of The Deeply Formed Life, winner of the Christianity Today Book Award.

    “In The Narrow Path, Rich unpacks what living our best life truly looks like. This book is a much-needed heart checkup for every Jesus follower.”—Christine Caine, founder of A21 and Propel Women

    We live in a culture that wants it all. More is seen as better—whether it’s more money, social media fame, choices, or power. For those chasing this way of life, “narrow” seems negative. Who wants to narrow their options . . . or be seen as narrow-minded?

    Which is why the most well-known talk in the history of the world—the Sermon on the Mount—is also the most paradoxical one. In it, Jesus holds up the narrow path as the most spacious . . . and the broader path as the more confining one.

    Rich Villodas, bestselling author of The Deeply Formed Life, explores what today’s broad and narrow paths look like so you can discern which one you’re on. The answer may surprise you—and will help you pursue the way of Jesus more deeply when it comes to loving God and others, prayer, sexual desire, conflict, money, anxiety, and more.

    The Narrow Path reintroduces the counterintuitive wonder of Jesus’s timeless wisdom for this age, one fraught with anxiety, depression, polarizing politics, and online vitriol. The path of Jesus is most certainly narrow, but it is the only one filled with the ever-expanding life of God . . . and it is available now for all who want it!

    ©2024 Rich Villodas (P)2024 Random House Audio


    “In The Narrow Path, Rich unpacks what living our best life truly looks like. By challenging some of our most basic assumptions about what it is to walk with Jesus and by inviting us to discover whether we are on the broad or narrow path . . . This book is a much-needed heart checkup for every Jesus follower.”—Christine Caine, founder of A21 and Propel Women

    “A book written for all those ‘who are weary of anchoring their lives in the unfulfilling promises of the surrounding culture,’ those who find the broad way, essentially, ‘do whatever you want and follow the crowd,’ to be revealing itself as exactly what Jesus warned—a path toward death, not life—and those who are interested, intrigued, and deeply drawn to the possibility of Jesus and his narrow way.”—John Mark Comer, author and founder of Practicing the Way

    “If you’re tired of the choice between a half-Christian, conscience-quieting religion and an exhausting, guilt-inducing moralism, this book is for you. With a map through Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, Rich Villodas leads us to the narrow path and shows us how to find joy on that road. You won’t regret the trip!”—Russell Moore, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today

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