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Couverture de The Mystery on Lovett Lane

The Mystery on Lovett Lane

De : Robin Gillingham
Lu par : Martin Landry
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    Do you like a good mystery?

    Or perhaps you like to hunt for clues?

    In this book, you can join the D.A.R.E. Detectives working on a case down Lovett Lane. There are strange noises and smells. There are crazy nights when people are scattering around the yard of an old, blue run-down house. There is also a great group of friends who form a strong bond with a girl down the street.

    Join Ed, Rita, Don, Anna, and Mary to help work on the case! Through the book, you’ll be excited to see what’s next and have a hard time stopping at the end of each chapter. With lots of excitement and strange happenings, you’ll learn how real detectives handle a case.

    You may even solve the mystery before they do!

    With short, easy-to-follow sentences, you’ll breeze through 10 chapters, become friends with all the characters, and want to listen more when it’s over.

    Finding success in literature is of major importance for children, and in this book, you will find:

    • Decodable words that are easy to sound out
    • Phonetic practice with digraphs and blends
    • Age-appropriate concepts
    • Fluency building passages
    • Short sentences to bring ease and flow
    • Sight words that are quickly recognized

    While you listen, don’t forget to monitor your listening, check for understanding, and always ask for help if you don’t know the meaning of a word.

    Go ahead, join the adventures of these five friends, and enjoy listening!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Red Panda Press (P)2022 Red Panda Press
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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