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Couverture de The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle

The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle

De : T. L. Huchu
Lu par : Kimberly Mandindo
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    Ghostalker Ropa Moyo and her rag-tag team of magicians are back in The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle, the third audiobook in the spellbinding Edinburgh Nights series by T. L. Huchu.

    She came for magic. She stayed to solve a murder . . .

    Ropa Moyo is no stranger to magic or mysteries. But she’s still stuck in an irksomely unpaid internship. So she’s thrilled to attend a magical convention at Dunvegan Castle, on the Isle of Skye, where she’ll rub elbows with eminent magicians.

    For Ropa, it’s the perfect opportunity to finally prove her worth. Then a librarian is murdered and a precious scroll stolen. Suddenly, every magician is a suspect, and Ropa and her allies investigate. Trapped in a castle, with suspicions mounting, Ropa must contend with corruption, skulduggery and power plays. Time to ask for a raise?

    Praise for The Edinburgh Nights series:

    'An artful combination of magic, history and imagination wrapped up in an engaging story' - Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London, on Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments

    'The Library of the Dead
    ’s alluring, shadowy Edinburgh with its hints of sophisticated academic magic will draw you in' - Olivie Blake, bestselling author of The Atlas Six

    ©2023 T. L. Huchu (P)2023 Macmillan Publishers International Limited

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