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  • The Murder of Dr. Chapman

  • The Legendary Trials of Lucretia Chapman and Her Lover
  • De : Linda Wolfe
  • Lu par : Kristin Kalbli
  • Durée : 7 h et 30 min

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The Murder of Dr. Chapman

De : Linda Wolfe
Lu par : Kristin Kalbli
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    From acclaimed true-crime journalist Linda Wolfe, a spellbinding true tale of 19th-century sex, scandal, and cold-blooded murder.

    In 1831, Lucretia Winslow Chapman was a wife and mother of five who had founded one of Philadelphia's first boarding schools for girls. But her comfortable life and marriage to prominent local scientist William Chapman changed forever the night Lino Espos y Mina appeared at their door, requesting lodging. It wasn't long before the Cuban con artist had entrenched himself in the Chapman home and begun an illicit affair with Lucretia. A little over a month later, William Chapman was dead from a lethal dose of poison. Lino and Lucretia were eventually arrested and charged with murder - and the double trial of the century began.

    Wolfe skillfully weaves court transcripts, love letters, and period recollections into an edge-of-your-seat historical thriller about the crime that rocked pre-Civil War America. With its shocking verdicts that raised troubling questions about sexism and racism, this mesmerizing true-crime tale still resonates nearly 200 years later.

    ©2004 Linda Wolfe, This edition published in 2014 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. (P)2014 Audible Inc.

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